Our planet is changing in ways that have profound negative impacts on all of humankind. At EUCEF we turn the tide. Our journey starts with rethinking our own consumption and the way we pollute.
EUCEF believes that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world.
"I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary." (Elon Musk)
Pollution and global warming are interconnected. We have consumed more resources in the last 50 years than the whole humanity before us. And climate change, as a consequence, is real. The latest world population projection indicates that there will be 10 billion of us in 2055. The levels of consumption will increase and so will pollution and its consequence - global warming.
Environmental sustainability depends on lifestyle choices. This starts with learning about our consumption behavior and understanding of our ecological footprint. Green wash does not reduce long-term environmental damage. We have to find ways to reduce waste, prolong product life and recycle. This will reduce air, soil and water pollutants.
Single-use plastics such as shopping bags, straws, water bottles and most food and product packaging, are used only once before disposed of. Annually, we produce roughly 300 million tons of plastic. Only 10% thereof are recycled. The remainder ends up in landfill or gets into the water finding its way to the ocean. Over the years, single-use plastics break down into tiny particles and release toxic chemicals that end up in our food and water supply. Latest research links this toxic waste to, inter alia, cancer, birth defects, and impaired immunity systems in children. We need to stop single-use plastics, promote effective re-cycling and find sustainable solutions.
Switzerland generates three times as much plastic waste as comparable European countries, but does not consider a ban on single-use plastics. We will change this by our project "unpack" the food and fashion industry.
With more than half of the world's population living in cities, humans have lost touch with nature. Consumption and on-line gaming are more important pastime activities than engaging with our natural roots. Today kids between 8 to 18 years spend an average of 7.5 hours a day, 7 days in a week, plugged into computers, TV, video games, and social media (Kaiser Foundation Study). If children have no opportunity to explore nature and connect, they will develop an aversion against nature in their early years. This is referred to as "biophobia". Are we about to loose the planet that gave us our lives? We need to teach our children that nature is not a dangerous place. It is not more than a disposable resource. If children can see the beauty of our environment and develop a love for nature, they will be the environmental stewards of the future. EUCEF brings this awareness and support to parents to reconnect to nature.
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. At EUCEF we believe that industry lobbyism in politics has gone too far: The public is misled, misrepresented and even ignored. Strong institutions and control mechanism can stop corruption within the system. EUCEF emerged out of a pursuit to collect ideas, inform, and inspire the dialog within the community. We strongly believe individuals make a real difference and that action is louder than speech. Established in 2016, EUCEF is a Swiss based platform that connects concerned citizens and hammer our action plans.
Mangrove forestation traps sediments, hinders erosion, stabilizes the coastline, and provides room for fish and other organisms seeking shelter from predators. A mangrove section of 30 trees per 0.01 hectare and a width of 100m reduces the destructive force of a tsunami by up to 90%. Mangroves forestation is a valuable tool against climate change. When a tree grows, it stores carbon in its biomass, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Mangroves storage is up to five times more effective than that of an equal area of rainforest. These carbon sinks are becoming increasingly relevant in the light of worsening climate change.
Tackling the Issue of Pollution
Link pollution to consumption. Understand how a product is produced and where it comes from, and where it goes. Picture: Illegal dumping of European electronic waste in Agbobloshie, Ghana. (Südwind)
- We organize landfill trips for school children to understand that choice has consequences.
- We teach school classes about Global Warming and Climate Change
Reduce wood consumption and forestry in Zurich to restore more natural forests.
Re-connect with Nature
Fight "Biophobia"! EUCEF teaches parents how to bring kids back into nature and explore it without irrational fears, intolerance or lack of respect for other species. Cutting kids off from nature is like cutting them off from the real source of sanity. We bring back the joy of experience of our natural habitat. A day of hiking or a night camping-out beat any gaming console.
Unpack the supermarkets
Shoppers are frustrated by the layers of plastic used to wrap food or clothes items. Single-use plastics end up in waste bins before going to the landfill or getting burned into the atmosphere. EUCEF develops new ideas for the food and clothing industries to deal with their packaging. We raise consumer awareness to say no to single-use plastics.
At EUCEF we know we are part of an immense climate related problem. We know how much we consume, and we know how much we pollute.
We believe single behavior change has an effect on the environment. EUCEF offers individuals like you a platform to enhance public awareness towards climate related topics. Knowledge and its distribution through social media inspire action.
Our activities target politicians and private sector companies. We raise their climate related awareness and we also provide ideas on how to reduce pollution. We spread our knowledge in direct conversations and through social media. We all have the power when we own our actions. You can be part of this movement! So why don't you contact us, today - now!
“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do” (Voltaire)